Maybe you've never lifted anything heavier than your coffee mug. Maybe you once lifted regularly, but of late, your trips to the gym have become as infrequent as a day of sobriety for Charlie Sheen. In either case, we have good news, in the form of the perfect 12-week plan for going from beginner to advanced. Personal trainers are gonna hate us for this one; it might even put a few of them out of business. You, on the other hand, are going to love us. But enough about us; this is about you, only bigger, stronger, better. No, three months from now, Jay Cutler and Dexter Jackson won't quake in their flip-flops when you shed your sweats. But your physique will be vastly improved and ready to handle even more advanced training techniques. |
How can anyone run the rack that fast? This beginner-to-advanced program is all about progression--of the exercises you perform, in the number of sets you complete per workout, in the amount of weight you hoist, and most important, in your training split. A training split refers to the way in which muscle groups are divided for training purposes. For example, some pro bodybuilders train only one major muscle group each workout. That's it.
So on Monday, they might train chest; on Tuesday, back; on Wednesday, legs; on Thursday, shoulders; and on Friday, arms; with abs thrown in on one or two of those days for good measure. This would be considered a five-day training split.
Splits come in all sorts of variations, but specific splits are better at certain points in your training evolution. The pro bodybuilder's example above isn't right for a beginner; it's not the best way to gain size and strength at that point.
The key is adjusting your training split as you advance. We've done some of the heavy lifting, by telling you what to do and when to do it. The rest is up to you.
The Smart Man's 12-Week Program
Say Hello to whole-body training, and teach your muscles how to contract properly with classic lifts designed to generate strength and mold muscles. By: Jim Stoppani Phase 1 | Phase 2 | Phase 3 | Phase 4 The 12-Week Shortcut to Size
You don't need Einstein's IQ to guess that a whole-body training split involves training the entire body in every workout. It's ideal for beginners, allowing them to train each muscle group multiple times each week. With a whole-body training split, you can train each muscle group three times per week--say, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. That sort of repetition helps train train the body's nervous system. See, before you can focus on muscle building, those muscles must first learn to contract properly. Learning how to bench pressor squat is like learning to ride a bike, and just as painful if you don't know what the heck you're doing. Your muscle fibers must learn how to contract in concert, allowing you to perform exercises correctly, and apply the most strength when you do it. We suggest training Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, but any three days of the week will do, as long as training days are separated by rest days. Your body needs time to recover from the previous workout. Recovery is critical for becoming bigger and stronger.
Complete this workout three times per week with at least one full day of rest between workouts (e.g., Monday, Wednesday, and Friday).
Click To Enlarge. Your Muscle Fibers Must Learn How To Contract In Concert, Allowing You To Perform Exercises Correctly.
Exercises: The exercises you'll be using are the tried-and-true mass builders, such as the bench press, squat, and barbell curl to name a few. The kind of stuff Arnold did. You'll be performing only one exercise per muscle group during this phase. More than that, and the workout would become prohibitively long and excessive for muscles not yet accustomed to such stimulus. Reps: Rep is the abbreviated term for repetition, which involves doing an exercise one time through its full range of motion. In this phase, aim for 10-12 reps per set. That is a good range in which to learn the exercise and build size and strength in the beginner's body. Exception: calves and abs. For those stubborn muscle groups, higher reps will stimulate more muscle growth. And when doing body weight ab exercises, such as the crunch, do as many reps as you can until reaching muscle failure. Weight: The amount of weight you use is determined by the rep range. Since you'll be doing 10-12 reps per set, choose a weight that prevents you from doing any more than 12 reps, but allows you to complete at least 10 reps. You should grow stronger over these three weeks, so once you can exceed 12 reps with the weight you're using, increase the weight by 5 or 10 pounds. Sets: A "set" refers to doing all reps for an exercise. Picking up the bar and performing as many reps as you can before putting down the bar completes one set. Typically you do several sets per exercise, resting in between those sets. In this phase you'll do three sets per exercise, just enough repetition to learn the exercise, yet not too much to over-extend the workout. Rest: During this phase, you'll rest 2-3 minutes between sets. The goal is to allow enough rest for you to stick fairly close to the rep range using the same weight on all three sets. This will help you gain more size and strength. In fact, research published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that beginning lifters resting 2.5 minutes between sets gained more than twice as much muscle size on their arms as those taking one minute between sets. The exception here is calves and abs, which tend to recover faster between sets. For these exercises, rest 1-2 minutes between sets. |
Push movements, pull movements, leg movements... you're already sweating, we know. By: Jim Stoppani Phase 1 | Phase 2 | Phase 3 | Phase 4 The 12-Week Shortcut to Size
After 6 weeks of consistent training you should be nailing your form on the exercises you've been doing. That's because your nervous system and muscle fibers are getting properly trained through the constant repetition. In week nine, step up the amount of work you're doing for each muscle group and the intensity, yet again. Remember, the goal here is to keep progressing. The only way to do that is to keep raising the bar with more work and higher intensity. Phase 3 progresses you to a Three-Day Training Split. So instead of dividing your body up into two different workouts, divide it among three different workouts. You'll train fewer muscle groups each workout, allowing you to do more exercises per muscle group while training each muscle group with even greater intensity. Although there are numerous ways to pair muscle groups to work with a three-day split, one of the most effective is also known as a push/pull/legs split. That means the body is broken down into a push day, where you train all the pushing muscles of the upper body (chest, shoulders, and triceps); a pull day, where you train all the pulling muscles of the upper body (back, trap, biceps, and forearms); and a leg day (legs and calves).
Click To Enlarge. Instead Of Dividing Your Body Up Into Two Different Workouts, Divide It Among Three Different Workouts.
Exercises: The exercises in this phase are the ones you've been using in the previous phases with yet again another additional exercise added to most muscle groups. The point is to increase the amount of work for each muscle group. Although you could increase the amount of work simply by doing more sets per exercise, better to add more exercises. Different exercises target different areas of the muscles, a necessity for overall development and balanced shape. You'll also add an exercise for a new muscle group to target - the forearms. Sets: You'll still be doing 3 sets per exercise. However, since you're now adding another exercise for most muscle groups, you'll be doing an extra 3 sets per muscle group. Reps: In this phase, drop the reps to 6-8 for first exercise for each major muscle group, excluding calves, abs, and forearms). On the second exercise, drop down to 8-10 reps. But on the last exercise, increase to 12-15 reps per set. This will help you to develop muscle strength, muscle size, and muscle definition. Weight: As you have been doing in phases 1 and 2, choose the proper weight that allows you to hit the listed rep range for each exercise. And continue to add weight as you can compete more reps than the listed rep range. Rest: During this phase, rest 2-3 minutes between sets, allowing you to stick with heavier weight while complete more reps for maximum size and strength gains. Do each workout once per week allowing at least one day of rest between workouts Click To Enlarge. Different Exercises Target Different Areas Of The Muscles, A Necessity For Overall Development And Balanced Shape.
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